Thursday, August 20, 2009

As an adult we tend to forget our start.....

Myself included. A vast majority of us were Boy Scouts at one time and yet we don't live the way were were taught. Do you remember the Boy Scout Oath/Promise....

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

I made it to First Class Rank before I hit High School then all of sudden it wasn't cool to be a Boy Scout anymore...Cool? Why? I wish I stuck with the progam and became an Eagle Scout. How many of you watch Bear Grills or Les Straud (Spelling?) and watch as a man to see how a man survives different situations?

Do you do your best? When it comes to poker how many times do you wake up sit at your computer and hope and dream that you have a big score...sure maybe it will happen but did you realistically prepare to become your best for that day? Last night I broke out some nostalgiac books...Harrington on Hold em End Game, and Skalansky Theory of Poker...There is so much advice to reference that we tend to forget in our busy day to day yet we tell ourselves...I'm due for a big score. My question is are you due? Make yourself due, give yourself the best chance to be due.

To do my duty to God and my country. Do you act faithfully at all times? Most peopel have good intentions but intent without purpose doesn't get you very far. I'm not claiming that we all become soldiers but do please support your troops. Make a random phone call or send an email to a buddy or family member that is fighting the good fight for us to enjoy the liberties we have come to take for granted.

To help other people at all times. Help someone reach their full potential, help your neighbor who is building a new deck, help others with unselfish intent, why? Because it will increase the value of your life and if you pay it forward you will someday, wakeup with a smile because you gave something of yourself without the intent of getting something in return. Before you know it if you are in a time of need others will be more willing to help the hand that helped them.

To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. Do you take care of yourself? Do you do mental excercises such as reading etc.? Do you lead your life in a morally straight way? Innocence seems lost when we hit adulthood. There is nothing more vibrant or innocent than a child. Why do we do some of the things we do as adults? Lie or fib as some would call it, find ways to scam money (rolling degenerates), Eat fast food constantly? Our parents for the most part would never allow that. Most workouts now consist of 12 oz curls, when we were kids you'd have to fight me to keep me inside and sedentary. I have degrees in computer science, business, and communication yet I too have found myself starting over on the mentally awake task which is why I have decided to start a blog and to read more than I have been doing. I spent hours a day as most of you in school and once we become adults most tend to stick with what they know and quit learning. Why? Knowledge is the power that seperates successful individuals from individuals who have yet to reach their full potential for the most part.

One Love

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