Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bad Beats, Frustrations, Breaking mice, and Chillin out

I think I'm going to try and make atleast one thought provoking post a day if not for you the PTP the community then for myself as it keeps me thinking about poker even when it's hard to keep focused.

I just busted the 10R 1 place before the money...It was a rough poker session with no results. I could have waited another hand but I want to win not cash so I took a situation where I was fairly certain I was getting a fold and suprise a bad call and a bad beat took me out of the running.

This happens far more than success but it's how you handle defeat that will keep you going towards your goal of crushing tournaments.

How many of you have broke something, maybe a body part, maybe a laptop or mouse, or yelled at your significant other to vent when you know you are on life tilt and it's nobodies fault but lady luck on the last hand, or was it. Don't bring your negativity toward someone else....focus.

How many times have you seen a pitcher ridiculed because he lost a save? It could be his fault but the team put themself into that situation and then the pitcher takes all the heat for a team that fair? No.

Noone and I mean noone in poker cares about others bad beats...why would we? It happens, deal with it. Get better, play better, but guess what, it's still going to happen. Losing sessions will always be there as long as you play this game no matter how good you get.

Will better preperation get you there? Yes. Is losing a tournament a big deal an hour or so after it happens? Not really. Look over your hand histories in a reviewer and plug the leaks in your game so you are more prepared next time.

Taking out your frustration in a non constructive way is worthless....does it really make you feel better? For some maybe. But that still isn't going to win you that last hand.

Complaining, yelling, breaking things? How bout go for a run, forget then spend some time working on your game for the next session. If you still get mad over bad beats more. Be happy you got your chips in good and that's all you can do on that last hand. If it works out....great, If it doesn't which will most likely happen 40%, 20% of the time then move on and let it go.

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