Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How do you approach your day when you plan on grinding hours on end?

It's Sunday and you have the go ahead from the girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband etc. to make a day out of playing poker. A full day with no distractions, just a day for you, your computer, and thousands of players at the virtual felts. You didn't go out with friends or family the night before and you got up early eager to play....feeling good.

So how do you approach the day of all days, your day?

Do you just register for whatever tournament that is here or there or do you have a structure? If you have a structure then your ahead of the game. Organization = Clarity and Clarity = Focus.

A typical structure that proves successful for me is to have a spreadsheet of what tournaments I'm going to play and to not deviate from that list. Once I have this completed I cook a good breakfast, stock the mini fridge with my meals for the day, make sure my desk is clean and that the T.V. even though it's getting to be football season is off (no worries most have Tivo these days)

Once this is complete I go to the gym to work on my fitness goals, build some lean muscle and do a crazy HIIT cardio session, sit in the sauna for 30 minutes focusing my mental energy on the day that is about to take place.

Shower head home, take a 30 minute power nap, get my headphones and ipod ready, make a cup of coffee and it's go time.

The only thing I'm focusing on is a day in my man cave, me myself and poker....

Having a structured routine will help you in your poker journey, don't slack in this department, feeling good makes playing good even more sweet, well that and a big Sunday score.

One Love

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