Saturday, August 22, 2009

When it comes to poker what car would you be?

Would you win races with your Lotus Elise, battle the best/tough terrains with your Jeep Grand Cherokee, be a rock like a Chevy Silverado?

Personally I think we should all strive to be Range Rovers, however late in tournaments it would help to be that Lotus.

There is a possible 1,326, 2 card combinations that every player starts with. You know what separates the great players from the sheep? The ability to deduce what opponents whole cards are by assigning their opponents a range of possible hands. How much effort have you given lately to working on this aspect of your game? Sure you might snap off a shove in the bb from the sb in a turbo with K2o but do you know why your doing it? Do you know the equity you gain or lose by doing so?

Pokerstove is your friend....use it.

Range reading should be on the forefront of our thoughts when it comes to poker. I'm currently working with ICM's (Independent Chip Modeling) to get a better grasp of what + equity situations really are, and the more I learn the more I realize just how little poker knowledge I really have. There is so much information and so many tools out there which are free yet players rarely use. Seek them out spend an hour or so a day using them. It might initially seem like information overload but eventually at least I hope...we will get it.

When in a hand what are you thinking about? You might be on autopilot, looking at the newest stories on yahoo, watching Anna Kournakova grunt on TV (which isn't bad to watch) but this really doesn't help your bottom line when it comes to poker. You should remain focused, use your HUD's get to know what all the percentages mean. Focus on what a bet, check, raise mean from your opponent and assign the villain with a range of hands, and don't be afraid to go broke acting on it. If you range your oppenent correctly you will win money over time. Will your reads always be perfect? Not a chance, but you will be thinking on a whole new level at the tables and you will in turn gain more confidence in your reads, and the majority of the time if you pay your dues to hand ranging you will be spot on.

You ever wonder how Annette_15 won a $4 180 tournament as a challenge without looking at her whole cards...that's right she played the whole tourney's because she has mastered the art of hand ranges, and bet/timing tells, not to mention positional advantage.

When it comes to poker be a Range Rover and you will eventually crush your villains.

One Love

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